
Deputy Shift Supervisor柠檬醛 15k~20k

大专及以上 五年以上 广东-湛江市

更新时间: 2024-09-19

合资/合作 1000人以上


招聘日期: 2022-12-16 ~ 2025-05-25


lant operation (in defined scope) 正常生产时间
Daily production: 日常生产
1. 承担资深岗位操作员的职责,根据生产规程、生产目标、安全规程、质量控制指标和高级领班的指令对生产线各单元进行操作、监视、控制和优化调整,包括: DCS 操作、设备操作、装卸料、罐区操作、实验室分析、公用工程操作和
指定的维修工作,保证生产计划实施和产品质量控制,确保装置处于安全、稳定、高效、低成本的生产状态。 Take
the responsibilities of senior operator. According to the production procedures, production objectives, safety
regulations, quality control indicators, we can realize: DCS operation, equipment operation, loading and unloading,
tank farm operation, laboratory analysis, utilities operation
2. 协助班长日常工作。 在班长不在的情况下,承担起班长的责任。 DCS 操作人员的后备。 Assist the shift supervisor in his
daily work. Take shift supervisor’s responsibility when supervisor is not available. DCS operators backup.
3. 与班组操作员协调,主动解决操作中出现的问题。 Coordinate with shift operators and take the initiative to solve the
operation problem.
4. 发展操作员的能力, 做好培训导师。 新进操作员的师傅候选人。
Fresh operators’ mentors candidates. As a trainer,increase the level of each team member.
5. 对维修及工艺改造进行支持和协调。
Support and coordination of the MOC and maintenance work.
6. 帮助操作员应对工艺问题和技术难点,帮助班组人员提高操作水平。
Help operators deal with process problems and technical difficulties and help team members improve their competency and knowledge.
7. 协助班长管理班组人员;参与评估班组人员的业绩。
Assist the shift supervisor with the supervision work. Participate in the shift performance evaluation.
Safety EHS
8. 作为现场当班班组的安全负责人,确保在装置区域内贯彻执行公司在安全、健康、 环保和质量管理方面的方针政策;
并确保所有在装置工作的人员(BASF 员工,承包商,外来服务人员等) 严格遵守 EHS 规定;
As the shift supervisorof the unit, ensure the implementation of the company's guidelines and policies in term of safety, health,environmental protection and quality management in the production area; and ensure that all personnel working on the production area (BASF employees, contractors, external service personnel, etc.) strictly comply with the EHS
9. 鼓励员工提出合理化建议及执行和整改;
Encourage employees to make suggestions and implement the rectification
10. 确保班组成员工作活动符合 QHSE 规范要求,及时发现并更正班组人员的误操作;及时制止班组人员的违章行为,防止发生生产事故及安全环保事故; Ensure all working activities meet the EHS requirements, Stop all unconfirmed action, stop all illegal behavior of team members to prevent any EHS accidents.
11. 协调班组的消防演习及各项班组安全活动。
Coordinate shift fire drill and other safety activities.
Minimum Education and Qualification Required for the Position
⚫ Education: Vocational School or above education in chemical engineering or related discipline;
⚫ Working Experience: 3 year of working experience in chemical plants;
化工装置 3 年生产工作经验;
⚫ Technical & Professional Knowledge: natively completed education with outstanding results as chemical plant operator in specialized school;
⚫ Basic English and computer skills, good interpersonal skill
⚫ 基本英语及电脑技能,良好人际关系技巧