









  ONA upholds a firm conviction that design should be people-oriented, design should be the core of value creation, and design should balance environmental impact and humane care. ONA is a design firm with spirits of innovation. ONA works includes high-rise and super-tall towers, commercial complexes, health care buildings and featured residential projects planning and design.

  ONA aims to focus on environmental impact of contemporary architecture. Empowered with tech-strengths of green building design and research, ONA integrates Morphogenesis and Ecogenesis in digital media to make buildings positive to nature. GREEN is becoming a new landmark to buildings, and green buildings continuously generate social and economic values to clients and people who use them day to day.

  ONA embraces high-efficient team work mode with the support of digitalized design tools. The whole design process is based on information associated. Forward-looking the application of digital technologies in design fields, ONA provides unique solution on digital design and construction for each project.

  Interested professionals could reach to: HR_ONA@163.COM for application, and please follow the format below for your email subject - Job Position_Name_University Gratuated_Program_Years of Experience; Please attach your Cover Letter, Resume and Portfolio (less than 10M) in the application message. Applicants not following procedures above would not be considered. Please address your expected salary and available date. A recent portrait would be appreciated. Thanks.

  ONA/弘纳建筑 是一个专业的建筑事务所,秉持以人为本的理念,坚信设计能够创造价值,关注建筑的人文关怀和环境影响,坚持创新精神。ONA的设计项目包括高层超高层办公楼、商业综合体、医疗园区等公建项目和特色住区项目的规划和设计。

  ONA/弘纳建筑 关注当代建筑的环境影响,拥有生态建筑设计、开发的核心技术力量,在信息化的基础上整合建筑生态和形态,使建筑成为对环境有正面影响的有机生命体;绿色生态,正成为新的地标建筑评价指标,并让建筑为业主和使用者持续提供社会和经济效益。

  ONA/弘纳建筑 运用现代化的技术装备强化高效的团队工作模式,设计全过程计算机协同,拥有高效的中央服务器系统;同时,ONA前瞻数字科技在建筑领域的运用,为数字化设计和建造提供独一无二的解决途径。

  ONA/弘纳建筑 奉行“球队”文化,鼓励团队成员发挥领导力、主动地进行工作,为团队成员营造一个愉快、高效、能够发挥自身价值的平台环境;鼓励团队成员的职业成长,鼓励创新,鼓励每一个团队成员发出自己独有的声音。


对于有才华的初级建筑师,可根据美国建筑师培训计划 IDP(Intern Development Plan)制定成长计划,若有兴趣会组织参数化设计、绿色设计等技术条线培训,对有管理协调天赋的青年建筑师进行管理条线的培训。公司薪酬实行双线制:初级和初中级职级序列实行固定月薪制,中高级和高级职级序列实行项目合伙分配制。另外对公司业绩做出特殊贡献者进行奖励。
  有意者可发邮件至HR_ONA@163.COM, 请在邮件标题按以下格式书写:申请职位_姓名_毕业学校_专业_工作年限;在邮件中粘贴PDF格式申请信、简历、作品集(附件小于10M);未按以上方式申请的应聘者不予考虑;邮件中请注明期望薪水、可开始工作日期,并附近照一张,谢谢。