

STUDIO TWIST设计师事务所(坛城建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司)于2007年在香港和上海注册成立。

由 LIP CHIONG(新加坡籍,英国注册建筑师)创立,对标志性建筑和室内设计有着丰富的设计经验。在建筑和室内设计领域,坛城设计聚焦于对文化历史、当地文脉和周边环境的研究和整合,运用现代的设计语言,赋予所有场地元素明确的特征和永恆的意义。


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STUDIO TWIST was founded in Shanghai and HongKong in 2007, found by Lip Chiong, a Singaporean who is registered in United Kingdom as a RIBA Chartered Architect, with professional experience in designing iconic buildings and spaces. STUDIO TWIST practices a holistic analytical design process that creates in-depth understanding of context, constraints and ambitions in order to design compelling solutions that make a difference in the realm of architecture and interior design.

Please click www.studio-twist.com learn more about us or scan the QR code above. 

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