

  With the design firm registered in U.S, S³-lab(SPACE CUBE DESIGN LAB,INC.) came to china in the year 2008. After years of local experience, it has shifted to a world-class design company united with high-end local Chinese and foreign designers. We have been successfully providing professional services in not only urban planning, architectural design, landscape design, but interior design, furniture, and other product design as well.

  S³-lab(SPACE CUBE DESIGN LAB,INC.)-渐境设计,2008年正式组建中国团队,总结多年来中国的工作经验,创造出中外高层次的设计师强强联合的公司运营体制,分别在城市规划设计、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计、家具及产品设计等方面提供专业服务。公司每天7小时工作制。弹性工作时间。