

SUM LIGHTING DESIGN,是专注于灯光设计与咨询的专业公司,公司位于上海虹口区,中文注册名称为尚么建筑灯光设计有限公司。


SUM 致力於照明設計的各個領域,包括:建築照明、室內照明及景觀照明。SUM成立以来,已成功完成商业照明、酒店照明、综合体照明、住宅照明、艺术馆照明等多个项目。

SUM Lighting Design Consultants International (SUM) specializes in professional lighting design, providing tailor

services for both small-scaled use and comprehensive nightscape lighting. With SUM, clients will enjoy streamline

services from planning, design, construction and implementation. Our attention to details guarantees the optimal

outcome.SUM’s design philosophy Honor the nature of the architecture, with the impression of story-telling lightings

is widely approved by the international architectural and lighting industry. We regard our duty as taking fullresponsibility

for the lighting environment and endeavoring in improving the related energy efficiency, maintenance and

sustainability.interiors, hotels as well as museum exhibitions. Through years of experience, we have established sound

relationshipswith local governments and real estate developers around China.上海尚么建筑灯光设计有限公司

  尚么由英文SUM音译. SUM( )为函数求和之意,公司以此为理念、不断创新、以客户为中心创造平等、双赢的合作方式。

  ● SUM设计的核心价值观: 变不可能为可能 、 创造价值 、 收获成长 、 赢得荣誉 。

  ● SUM设计的经营理念: 客户满意 、 设计才有价值 。

  ● SUM设计的企业愿景: 志在成为国内 、 乃至国际一流的灯光策划 、 咨询 、 工程管理 、综 合实力最强和最具有责任感

  的标杆企业 。

  ● SUM设计的质量方针: 诚信 、 专业 、 高效 。

  ● SUM设计的企业精神: 精诚合作 、 挑战自我和不断探索不断超越 。

  ● SUM设计的服务理念: 为客户创造价值就是在成就自我。
