

  美溪国际(HK)景观有限公司起始于2012年,由联合创始人李钊先生在香港创立的国际化团队联合设计工作室发展而来。2014年正式在香港市政处注册成立“美溪國際(香港) 景觀設計有限公司(MAXISTUDI〇ERNATI〇NAL (HK)LIMITED)”,公司编号【21572681】 , 办公地点在香港/泰國/重庆/深圳,分别有四个office。“深圳美溪国际景观设计有限公司”为美溪国际景观全资子公司,负责国内设计事务接洽。

  美溪国际景观发展至今己有5年发展历史的综合性设计公司,目前己经拥有城市规划、 建筑设计、旅游规划、景观规划设计等背景的设计师近20余位,参与并主要负责之项目超 过40余个。

  团队以“创立美好人居环境,打造一流精品项目”为核心发展理念。合伙人曾供职于国际知名景观设计事务所的高级设计师以及公司合伙人,他们经历并主要负责了国内外的众多顶尖项目,包括高端的住区、5星级度假酒店、城市公园、滨水绿地以及开敝空间设计等项目。 2015年,泰国SarayutLandscapeStudio正式加入美溪国际景观大家庭。至此,美溪国际景观形成了国际化的设计团队布局,香港、深圳、重庆与泰国四个办公室协同工作,高效的为客户创造一流的设计与咨询服务。

MAXI STUDIO international (HK) is a joint team of international landscape studio design studio was founded in 2012 by co-founder Mr. Li Zhao in Hongkong, and at the same time in Hongkong registered brand under the name of "Meixi International (Hongkong) Landscape Design Limited (MAXI STUDIOERNATIONAL (HK) LIMITED), No. [2157268], the of?ce is located in Hongkong / Thailand / Chongqing / Shenzhen, there were four studios.Shenzhen Meixi International Landscape Design Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Meixi International Landscape, responsible for domestic design contacts.

Comprehensive design studio has been the development of Meixi international landscape 5 years of development history, now has the city planning, architectural design, tourism planning, landscape planning and design background designer nearly more than 20, mainly responsible for the project and participate in more than 40.

Studio aim to "create a better living environment, to create ?rst-class quality items" as the core concept of development. Senior designer and partner worked in the famous international landscape design ?rm, their experience and is mainly responsible for many top projects at home and abroad, including residential, high-end 5 star resort hotel, city parks, waterfront green space and open space design project. In 2015, Thailand Sarayut Landscape Studio officially joined the Meixi international landscape family. So far, the international landscape formed Meixi international design team in Hongkong, Shenzhen, Chongqing layout, and Thailand four of?ce work ef?ciency for customers to create ?rst-class design and consulting services.